

How to Fix Error Code: 0x80041316 Failed to schedule Software Protection for re-start

What is the Software Protection Service?

The Software Protection (sppsvc) service enables downloading, installing, and enforcing digital licenses for the Windows operating system and applications. If the service is disabled, the operating system and licensed applications will run in a notification mode.

Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start: Error Code: 0x80041316

1. Click the Start button and type "Task Scheduler", then open it.
2. Task Scheduler => On the left side, click Task Scheduler Library => Microsoft => Windows => SoftwareProtectionPlatform

3. On the "SvcRestartTask", verify that it is status "Ready". (If not, please enable it.)
4. On the General tab of SoftwareProtectionPlatform, the security options verify that the Software Protection Platform selects the NETWORK SERVICE account.
5. On the Trigger tab of SoftwareProtectionPlatform, the Triggers options verify that the trigger "Daily" enabled. 
If the Trigglers tap is empty, please click Properties=> Triggers=> New.. = > Begin the task: Options select "On a schedule" => Setting, select "Daily" and click Save.
6. After that, please make sure the SoftwareProtectionPlatform folder has permission "Read" by going to C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform =>Right-click in this folder and select Properties=>Security => NETWORK SERVICE account has "Read" permissions for that folder.

7. After doing all the above, please restart the Software Protection service or restart the PC.


In this post, we have made a step-by-step tutorial on  How to Fix Error Code: 0x80041316 Failed to schedule Software Protection for re-start.I hope you liked it and please do share it with your friends and follow our social media for more.

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